Mild Winter
Natalie Behring
"Growing up in southeast Idaho, I remember snow- filled winters as a child with epic, endless amounts of snow. As I grew up, winters dwindled and it seemed the snow became less and less. It's not just me. A neighbor recently told me he remembers snow that almost reached the tops of telephone poles. There are stories kicking around about the snow being so deep in Teton County that the shop owners in town had to dig tunnels to make ways for customers to get into their stores. I took a portrait of an elderly Sioux woman in Wyoming recently who told me a story from her father about snow so deep they had to climb up the poles of the teepees to get outside, and the hunters found buffalo by the blow-holes they made in the snow. It seems no matter what kind of winter we have these days, it never measures up to the winters of the past"
Natalie Behring is a photographer and photojournalist based in Victor, Idaho.